Measure True Productivity for Spreadsheet Users The spreadsheet is one of the most commonly used software packages among engineering, manufacturing, and management personnel. Whether the job is archiving test data, analyzing experiment results, charting process trends, or tracking design specifications, the spreadsheet has proven to be a powerful tool for scientists and engineers. Using National Instruments MeasureÖ, a set of Microsoft Excel add-ins, you can further increase productivity with spreadsheets by integrating data collection tasks directly into Microsoft Excel worksheets. Entering test results or process monitoring data into a spreadsheet can be difficult, tedious, and expensive. Manual entry is time consuming and error-prone, and custom programs to convert acquired data into spreadsheet formats require programming expertise and code maintenance. Measure replaces these less efficient spreadsheet data entry methods with direct add-ins for acquiring data from plug-in data acquisition (DAQ) boards, IEEE 488.2-controlled instruments, and serial-controlled instruments. With Measure, acquired data can be placed directly into user-specified cell ranges - with no programming or conversion algorithms required. After Measure places the data into your worksheet, you are free to use the familiar built-in Excel analysis and display functions to analyze experiment results and create reports.
Interactive, Easy-to-Use Dialogs
From the serial and GPIB control dialogs, you specify communication parameters like COM port, baud rate, parity and stop bits, GPIB address, and individual command strings to prompt the instrument for measurements. As you set up each operation, you can interactively run it to view your data and ensure that it is configured correctly. With the Measure pop-up configuration dialogs, point-and-click data acquisition and control are at your fingertips.
Define Your Own Measurement Tasks
To simplify measurement and automation operations from Excel, you can customize Excel menus to include tasks that you create with Measure. Simply add your instrument control tasks to the GPIB, serial, or DAQ menu in Excel for quick and easy access.
Simplified DAQ Operations from Excel
Measure automatically locates any National Instruments DAQ products configured in your computer. Simply select a device and specify the parameters for analog I/O operations using the Task Configuration dialogs. From the analog input configuration dialog, enter input channels, the number of points to acquire from each channel, the acquisition rate, and a cell range in which to place the data. You also can configure more advanced analog input features for your tasks, such as using external triggering and timing lines. Analog output tasks are defined in a similar fashion. You specify an Excel range of values as voltage, waveform, or level, from a specified analog output channel at a specified rate. See also:
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